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22 Nov 2021

ASOIF statement on the impact of FIFA’s biennial World Cup plans on the international sports calendar

FIFA’s proposal to hold its World Cup every two years has prompted the Council of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) to address the matter on behalf of its other member international sports federations.

The Council notes that FIFA’s widely reported plan to increase the frequency of its World Cup creates upheaval, not only within the football world, but also for many sports and the important major global sporting events of which they are part. The harmonisation of the international sports calendar is a challenging and delicate task which deserves more attention and consideration by the stakeholders in a spirit of constructive coordination. These proposals from FIFA could impact the healthy development of sport and also put the sustainability of other international federations’ events at risk.

The ASOIF Council believes that a unilateral decision on such an important matter will have widespread consequences which must not be underestimated. The impact of holding the FIFA World Cup biennially, as well as the new introduction or expansion of European leagues and competitions, would be considerable not only within the popular world of football but for all sports globally. Therefore, the Council urges, first, the different football authorities to fully consult and consider the matter carefully and then engage with the global sports community in order to find an appropriate way forward.