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Governance Task Force

The Governance Task Force (GTF) was created in November 2015, following an ASOIF Council decision and discussions about governance at the IF Forum earlier that month. Mandated with helping International Federations (IFs) to promote and ensure a culture of good governance within their structures, the group is chaired by Francesco Ricci Bitti, President of ASOIF.

Members of the group are:

  • Jean-Loup Chappelet, Professor at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) of the University of Lausanne
  • Benjamin Cohen, ITA Director General
  • Ingmar De Vos, FEI President, IOC Member, ASOIF Council Member
  • Pâquerette Girard Zappelli, IOC Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
  • Luiz Fernando Lima, FIVB Secretary General
  • Alexander McLin, Swiss Arbitration Association Executive Director
  • Denis Oswald, Director of the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES), IOC Executive Board Member
  • Andrew Ryan, ASOIF Executive Director

Since its creation, the GTF developed a full set of governance principles and indicators tailored to the specific characteristics and needs of sport organisations. This new mechanism will help to jointly evaluate the current status of each Summer Olympic International Federation and regularly monitor progress.



Governance Support and Monitoring Unit

The Governance Support and Monitoring Unit (GSMU) was set up by the GTF during its meeting in October 2018, aiming to help IFs evolve from the adoption of principles and rules to tangible performances in good governance. The GSMU's objective is to see at least 26 of the 28 ASOIF Full Member IFs score 120 (out of a maximum of 200) or more in the governance assessment by April 2020. The unit is chaired by Francesco Ricci Bitti, President of ASOIF and Chair of GTF, and composed of three GTF members as external experts:

  • Jean-Loup Chappelet, academic expert
  • Pâquerette Girard Zappelli, IOC Administration and Ethics Committee
  • Alex McLin, arbitrator with IF experience



Relevant documents are available for download:



